Tuesday, May 03, 2005

In the Beginning... [Recalibrated with more gore because I can't sleep]

...there was my brother Mephistan and myself (Gabriel) and we decided to make ourselves a band.

So into the depths of Corporation City we went,(Wellington CBD) to locate and recruit our fellow brothers and sisters for this creation.

Ok, I'll quit with the bullshit now.

So we went and found Pandora, Reaper, Nazareth, and those yet to be renamed, being: Lawrence, Harry and Aidan.

Now, the -(fucked up like 'masticated fecal matter')- system goes like this:

(Bloody) Vocals-Mephistan, Myself.
(Abortion Goo) Guitars-Aidan, Reaper.
(Head 'Splodey!) Bass-Nazareth, Pandora.
(Circumsized*) Percussion- Lawrence, Harry.

(*Yes, circumcision is gorey. Have you ever watched one?)



And then?

Well, Meph and I colaborated and wrote a few songs (which need editing) after detonating a bus full of the elderly, arms and legs flying all around the place is great motivation! And now that i remember, I have to get more supplies to make cocaine in my basement to sell to school children to raise money so the mafia doesn't kill me.


Take that small school child! Increase the dosage and die!

[End Transmission]


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